Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012


Gak semua yang terlihat bagus itu, aslinya juga bagus. Ada yang harus bersusah-susah dulu sampai akhirnya sampai ke puncak. Ada yang sudah sampai ke puncak tanpa harus bersusah-susah. Ada yang bersama-sama menuju puncak, tapi yang satu malah duluan sampai ke puncak, satunya tertinggal jauh di belakang, padahal awalnya mereka bekerja sama. Hidup itu kejam, hidup itu benernya kan persaingan ya... Sepertinya kerja sama, tapi aslinya kompetisi. Tapi itu tergantung gimana kita menyikapinya kok. Kompetisi sehat mungkin memang susah dijalani, sportivitas mungkin memang sulit dilakukan. Yang penting ikhlas kan. Kalau udah memberi, ya ikhlas.... Ya udahlah ya, gak usah terlalu dipikirin. What am I to do? Gak usah terlalu dipikirin.
"Love me tight and don't let go"

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Beauty and a Beat

I'm tired. Would you hurt me? I just want to laugh out loud. Laughing at myself. :D ------------------------------------------------------------------- Assignments, Exams, Thesis, Patients, People. Why do small things can make me frustrate? Just face it. Maybe because I live in a box. Someone said that a person who live in a stressful condition won't live long because it can impact his heart, body, and soul. But nobody knows when that thing will happen. Anyway, I'm still alive. "So just forget about the world, we're young tonight" Solving the problems is difficult for few people. You're lucky if you can solve the problem, and you have that bravery to face the world. And you're lucky you don't have this narrow mind, you're lucky that you can enjoy the process, you're lucky you can still laugh to any jokes that surround you, you're lucky if you can accept what is given to you. But I don't wanna envy you. and I'll never stop to change myself.