Skarang waktunya untuk balik lagi ke klinik, kuliah, skripsi. Skarang dah hari Minggu dan besok dah hari senin. Hari pertama UTS : Orthodonsi. Well, I have to work harder. U know what, kemaren aq blajar kelompok ama temen2. Belajar Prostodonsi. En ga disangka2, I'm blank. But, I'm Glad I have friends who want to remind me bout denture, clasp, etc.
Thank u so much...
My "April spirit" playlist :
1. Shy that way by Jason Mraz
2. I have nothing by Charice n david foster
3. Out from Under by Britney Spears
4. Butterfly by Jason Mraz
5. I hate this Part by PCD
6. Maafkan (Tak Sempurna) by Ecoutez
7. Blur by Britney Spears
8. If U seek Amy by Britney Spears
9. Buang Waktuku by Evoutez
10. I Caught myself by Paramore
11. If it KILLS me by Jason Mraz
12. Teruskanlah by Agnes Monica
13. Fall to pieces by Avril Lavigne
14. Innocent by avril Lavigne
15. Think Of me by David Archuleta
16. Dia by Maliq n d'essentials
17. Pilihanku by Maliq n d'essentials
18. JAtuh cinta Lagi by Mulan Jameela
19. Love Story by Rain
20. Hanya untukmu by ten to five
21. Thank you (OST.Bleach)
Laugh out loud vs Cry out loud
Dian...aku punya award buat kamu..diambil ya BU....
award apaan nes? award fb ya?
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