Lagi suka banget ama lagu2nya Justin Bieber. Well well, padahal dulu pertama kali dengerin lagu penyanyi yang terkenal lewat youtube ini, ngerasa aneh banget . Suaranya kayak anak kecil! Yah emank masih kecil sih.. hehehe.... Langsung cegek gitu d pas denger lagunya. Tapi lama2 didengerin kok enak juga ya.... Nge-groove gitu. R n B sih. Asik asik.... Apalagi justin biebernya imut2 hahaha... lgsung follow twitternya hihi.. mau beli cd albumnya, tapi kok separo lagu2nya ulangan dari album pertamanya "My World". Ya udah beli album yang selanjutnya aja ya, justin .. hehehehe
Yang liriknya paling asik sih lagu ini "Never say Never". Tapi lagu "Somebody to Love" beatnya asik banget, bikin semangat. "One less lonely girl" juga gak ada matinya. "U smile I smile" ama "Down to Earth juga asik banget. Wes,,, smuanya asik dah! :D
Never Say Never
by Justin Bieber
I never thought that I could walk through fire
I never thought that I could take the burn.
I never had the strength to take it higher,
Until I reached the point of no return.
And there's just no turning back
When your hearts under attack,
Gonna give everything I have,
It's my destiny.
I will never say never! (I will fight)
I will fight till forever! (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down,
I will not stay on the ground.
Pick it up,
And never say never.
I never thought I could feel this power.
I never thought that I could feel this free.
I'm strong enough to climb the highest tower.
And I'm fast enough to run across the sea.
And there's just no turning back,
When your hearts under attack,
Gonna give everything I have,
Cause this is my destiny.
I will never say never! (I will fight)
I will fight till forever! (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down,
I will not stay on the ground.
Pick it up,
And never say never.
hi Beliebers..
loves this.. hoho..
hhehe, beliebers juga ti? ;p
nggak juga siy.. sepupuku yang beliebers.. jadi ketularan dikit2.. :D
hehe, ntar lama2 jd beliebers d... :D
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