Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First day

Hari pertama masuk kuliah.. Ada yang baru. Kalo pasca sarjana ini mahasiswanya beda2 ya..usianya hehehhee. Kebanyakan sih seangkatan, fresh graduate.. Tapi lainnya beda 15 tahun... bahkan ada yg beda 20 tahun. Lintas generasi gitu. Komunikasinya harus dijaga nih.. hehe. Kalau sama yg lebih tua kan harus lebih hormat. Hehe... Ya, semangatlah... ! Semoga lancarr...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I Love You - Avril Lavigne live in Jakarta

I like your smile
I like your vibe
I like your style
But that’s not why I love you

And I, I like the way
You’re such a star
But that’s not why I love you
Do you feel, do you feel me?
Do you feel what I feel, too?
Do you need, do you need me?
Do you need me?

You’re so beautiful
But that’s not why I love you
I’m not sure you know
That the reason I love you is you
Being you
Just you
Yeah the reason I love you is all that we’ve been through
And that’s why I love you

La la
La la la la
La la
La la la la
I like the way you misbehave
When we get wasted
But that’s not why I love you
And how you keep your cool
When I am complicated
But that’s not why I love you

Do you feel, do you feel me?
Do you feel what I feel, too?
Do you need, do you need me?

Do you need me?

You’re so beautiful
But that’s not why I love you
And I’m not sure you know
That the reason I love you is you
Being you
Just you
Yeah the reason I love you is all that we’ve been through
And that’s why I love you

Even though we didn’t make it through
I am always here for you

Well. This song means a lot to me.

Bukan cinta bila kamu hanya mencintai kelebihannya saja.
Because nobody's perfect.
And if you can accept him just the way he is, you can say that's a crazy little thing called love.

Just don't be blind because of love. Still be rational. You deserve the best if you've already given the best.

[Eng/Rom] 2NE1- It Hurts (아파) Live

So sad.... :'(

September ceria

Selamat Idul Fitri 1432 H, mohon maaf lahir batin

Semoga amal ibadah kita di bulan Ramadan diterima oleh Allah SWT.. Semoga kita bertemu kembali dengan bulan Ramadhan berikutnya. Aamiin...

Libur lebaran kali ini, satu keluarga besar diboyong ke Bandung. Dan kayaknya ini suatu kesalahan. Yap, Bandung macetnya minta ampun di hari ketiga lebaran. Semua factory outlet penuh, jalanan penuh, restoran penuh, semua objek wisata penuh. Alhasil, semua rencana berantakan.

Kebanyakan restoran gak bisa dibooking, jalan keluarnya beli nasi kotak. Yang bisa buat 100 orang sih Mcdonalds dan masakan Padang Sederhana. Aje Gile :D

Malemnya sih masih bisa booking restoran.

Tangkuban Perahu, Kampung Gajah, cancelled.

Alhamdulillah penginapannya masih di daerah Dago, jadi masih bisa jalan kaki ke FO, pusat oleh-oleh, dan tempat makan di sebelah penginapan. Siplah.... Belanja-belanji. hahaha...

Well, bentar lagi masuk kuliah lagi, semangaaaatttt!!! Be optimist! :)