Sunday, September 28, 2008


Boring,, I'm b0red c0z I'm a b0ring pers0n. Then I cut my hair,,, very sh0rt hair.... And my face l0oks m0re chubby bc0z 0f this haircuT... Av0iding fr0m its real purp0se,getting masculine... It's just making me....want t0 kick whatever in fr0nt 0f me.

Y0u kn0w what,, I think I miss s0me0ne... I just d0nt kn0w h0w t0 c0mmunicate wit him,, c0z he just c0mes fr0m an0ther place,, s0 faraway. I kn0w I'm n0t g0nna meet him. I kn0w we can't b t0gether.. I kn0w we can't make it,,

S0,maybe I sh0uld f0rget him. There's n0 p0ssibility... It's silly when u just d0 th0se same things,again and again,,, u live in huge w0rld... Why d0 u have t0 b static?

Well,yeah,actually u have t0 b static..wit same pers0n. But,n0t n0w..

Meetin' same pe0ple,,,, u can't av0id that. All u have t0 d0 is making surprises s0 u d0nt get b0red very fast,,

In the end,u just have t0 ch0ose it,, u have t0 b 0ne pers0n. Be static in a dinamic w0rld...

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