Maunya sih jangan berhenti berharap... Tapi ngeliat kenyataan kayak gini?
Hum.. ditambah dengan keadaan kayak ketinggalan kereta. Rasanya seperti tersudut di ruang sempit dan gelap.. Tidak ada cahaya. Tapi jangan berhenti berharap. Pasti masih ada kereta selanjutnya. Pasti cahaya itu akan datang. Pasti.
And I have to break this bad habit. It's so hard to stop... Just like losing the remote control. I just want to stop,, stop,,, stop it.
I've chated with my sister,, I said I wanted to break this habit but I couldn't do it. I said I wanted to stop but I couldn't stop it. My body couldn't hear my voice... My sister told me to not think that I couldn't do it. Just think that I can do this. Break the habit. Don't think that u can't do it. Yes, u can do it.
I'm trying... but it's getting worse in this situation.
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